Strategic Advice

Harness our world-class team for Advice on Strategy!

Academic Rates for the services below are 139 USD/hour (250 USD/hour biotech). Please see our price list.

Strategic Advice:

Want an editorial perspective without a full scientific edit? We can advise you on how to frame your story, maximize strengths/minimizes weaknesses, appeal a decision, craft a response to reviewers, and deal with competitive situations. Our former journal editors and grants specialists use their insider knowledge of the peer review process to advise you. We give you candid, informed and unbiased feedback based on real-life situations. We will read your document as an editor or reviewer would (no heads up on the story, very limited time) and give you our take on where it fits within the literature, as well as how you could broaden the impact and make your case more compelling. We are also happy to have a zoom session.  You could also request advice from multiple editors.

We can provide one-on-one coaching to you and your trainees to share our in-depth knowledge about writing, reviewing, publishing, and communicating science. We work with your group to help you achieve goals like submitting manuscripts and grants, and giving talks.

We can help you better pitch your science to evaluation committees and reviewers by giving you feedback on your upcoming talks to improve clarity and impact, and prepare you for answering tough questions. We can help with presentations for conferences, grant interviews (i.e. HHMI, Pioneer Awards), job talks etc.

Javier was fantastic — fast, responsive, and his insights improved our manuscript

Dr. Thomas Leung